Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Routine Days

My days have been pretty boring. Work, visiting friends, more work.
It's not to bad though, the routine of things keeps my mind busy.

I have been really sleepy lately.
Going to bed around 8pm!
That is so odd for me, esspecially now that it is spring time.
I am always feeling exhausted!

Maybe I am starting to get a cold, I hope I will be ok though.
I have big work days coming, and a friend is moving back to USA so I am also planing her goodbye party.

These are the days I really miss Satoshi....
He would always cheer me up, stay with me so I sleep more calmly.

P.S. The comments are working again! I am excited to hear from any readers I have.


Lone QL Chu said...

Hey, Miki , Cheer upppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!! Just enjoy everyday, I know soemtimes is hard work , bored... but cheer up , if u are tired , just get a good rest , then tomorrow have a wonderful breakfast :)

Rashai said...

Take a good rest and sleep, rest your worries upon Him and God will light the way..