Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cleaning Satoshi's Apartment

I met with Satoshi's mom at his apartment today, to help go through his stuff. She said I could have anything I wanted from there, as he didn't have a will so everything he has went right to his parents.
We havn't gone through everything, but we decided all his clothes will go to charity, and we gave some books to charity as well. I took some of his cook books and novels.
I've already got his dog Oliver at my house, Chocolate and him have become great friends ^^

I am reading this one book of Satoshi's right now, "A Short History of Progress". It's very interesting...
It supports evolution, which I do not personally believe, but that isn't the main focus. It's about how civilization has evolved, and how "progress" as we know it isn't all good, and how we are progressing to far, to fast and it will doom us all.
Depressing, but interesting.
We finished about 1030am, as his mom had to go to work for 11, so I stayed downtown for a bit.
I found these REALLY cute Hello Kitty soft drinks, and had to buy some!

I also bought the Mamma Mia DVD, which I have been meaning to buy for a while now.
I looked at some clothes, but I resisted!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Just got back from Sydney early this morning (4am!).
My parents went back to bed but I could not sleep.
The trip was not without crying, but it wasn't to bad.
I am feeling sleeping now, and will probably nap a bit later.

Above is a picture of my brother surfing!
Another man I do not know is standing in the picture though!
\ *o* /
A few nights before we left, we had a BBQ at my sisters - Australian Style!
My sisters husband was out with his parents that night, taking Shaun to visit them for a bit, so we spent a night together in the backyard like we used to do when we were little!
It was the first time in years to do this!

So enjoyable to be just with my siblings and parents.
More calming...
I don't want to say, but I am so Jealous of my sister.
Her love is with her now.
I don't want to be jealous.
but I cannot help it.
During this trip, I acctually grew angry with her.
I wanted to leave, never see her again.
I even thought to strike her with my frustration.
I pray the lord will forgive me for these ugly thoughts.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Yesterday was Hinamatsuri!
Me and my mother set up the family Doll Set in the living room,
and my dad made some nice snacks!
I havn't set it up with my mom, since I was 19,
so it has been a while!

After dinner we phoned my sister in Australia
She is doing well, Shaun (my nephew) is turning 4 in a few weeks!

Speaking of which, we are going to Australia!
To visit my sister, and her family there.
It is warm there, I am excited.

Today was boring.
I went out shopping with my mom, she needed some new spring/summer dresses.
I didn't buy anything for myself though!
I will be successful this lent.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Today has been my first day acctually in the office for a long time.
It has been painful to be around so many happy Brides and their families.
I have mostly just been working from home - helping other planners with small things like hall bookings, ect.
But, that could not continue forever now could it?
The female train was empty today when I went to work, it was peaceful

My co-workers gave me flowers!
Kinda silly, but a very nice thought of them.

I had a private meeting with my boss today, she is so kind.
She is assigning me as little weddings as possible,
so I am doing a lot of parties.
Some are very big parties for special clients ^^
being a planner means I will be at the parties too!

Lent is going very good, and I have kept up all my goals!
Are you celebrating lent?
What have you given up?